Blind athlete sets record on hike through Grand Canyon

Blind athlete sets record on hike through Grand Canyon US Paralympic athlete Shawn Cheshire set a world record for being the first blind woman to walk the 42-mile (67.6 km)...
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Blind Paralympic Athlete Shawn Cheshire Establishes the Guinness World Record for Grand Canyon Crossing

Paralympic cyclist and blind multi-sport athlete Shawn Cheshire is now a Guinness World Record holder. This fearless woman completed the roundtrip trail crossing of the Grand Canyon (Rim to Rim...
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Blind Paralympian Shawn Cheshire hikes Grand Canyon rim-to-rim

Blind Paralympian Shawn Cheshire hikes Grand Canyon rim-to-rim If you're a thrill seeker, like Shawn Cheshire, taking on the 42-mile trek that is a rim-to-rim (and back) at the Grand...
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Blind Paralympic Athlete Shawn Cheshire Establishes the Guinness World Record for Grand Canyon Crossing

Blind Paralympic Athlete Shawn Cheshire Establishes the Guinness World Record for Grand Canyon Crossing. Fearless woman completes the trek in 24 hours and 15 minutes.
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Blind Paralympian Shawn Cheshire hikes Grand Canyon rim-to-rim

Sara Schulting shares her thoughts on the emotional Rim to Rim to Rim hike on which she guided Shawn Cheshire.
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Follow us {here} through the GRAND CANYON …

Who is in your Tribe? On Sunday, October 7th, blind female Paralympian and Adventure Seeker, Shawn Cheshire, will be the first blind woman to hike the Grand Canyon from Rim...
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Sara Schulting Kranz on Rim to Rim to Rim Hike with Shawn Cheshire

In a couple of weeks, two women will set out on the 24-mile rim-to-rim-to-rim hike of the Grand Canyon. One of them, Sara Schulting-Kranz, is a Hermosa Beach life coach. The...
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Blind woman sets out to be first to tackle rim to rim to rim crossing of Grand Canyon

Blind woman sets out to be first to tackle rim to rim to rim crossing of Grand Canyon On Oct. 7, two women will set out on the 48-mile Rim...
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