Let’s be {GRATEFUL} together

Sara Schulting Kranz with heart shaped rock

?I am Grateful.

Being grateful promotes optimism and guides us towards a more positive outlook. So on this first day of the month, I sit in Gratitude. Will you do the same?

>>I am Grateful for my FAMILY, who accepts me as a whole.

>>for my FRIENDS, with their listening ear and wise words.

>>for my COMMUNITIES. All of them. Running, hiking, living, SUPing, the list continues.

>>I am Grateful for my EXPERIENCES. Those that made me cry, laugh, wonder, and sent fear down my spine! I have grown because of them.

>>for my Love of NATURE, the ability to see, connect, and be thankful for itty bitty details in God’s creation. 

>>for my Adventurous LIFE, one that I do not take for granted. 

>>for my PURPOSE, which led me to the work I do every damn day with so many brilliant and beautiful clients. 

>>I am Grateful FOR YOU – we all matter!

Cheers to a Powerful Month and Season of Gratitude!


Check out my upcoming Transformational Women’s Retreats in the Grand Canyon for January and February! I’m very excited to welcome Jenna Reiss, Breath-work Meditation Coach, Healer, and Writer, as a guest host for our January retreat! And Brittany Lynne, Yoga and Meditation Teacher specializing in Mindfulness, Meditation, Sound Healing & Breath-work, as a guest host in February! Please contact me with questions – sign ups need to be complete by December 1st! 414-698-8899 or liveboldlycoaching@gmail.com


Upcoming Events


… check out our upcoming Transformational and Life Changing Grand Canyon Retreats below! January and February are already filling! Contact me for details. 414-698-8899

Live Boldly Coaching Feb. 2018 Grand Canyon Retreat Live Boldly Grand Canyon Coaching January 2019

Click to to learn more and to register.