Sara tells the story of her divorce and the recalibrating of life with her 3 boys. How do you take on all of this responsibility – the major one being aware of what your children are going through and helping them emotionally go through the crisis? And equally important, is how do you go through your own grief while parenting your children.
Parenting Through Family Crisis – A Personal Story with Sara
How do you take on all of this responsibility?
10 years ago, her life completely changed. Over the course of five days, she discovered that her marriage wasn’t what she thought.
She was debilitated by complex PTSD, with zero direction. Sara even thought about taking her own life, the pain was THAT excruciating. Her life turned upside down, and she no longer had a career or family around her.
Sara needed help, and felt ashamed to ask for it.
How can you be aware of what your children are going through and help them emotionally go through the crisis? And equally important, how do you go through your own grief while parenting your children?
In this episode, Sara takes us on a very personal journey of how she figured out ways to support her sons through a family crisis. She shares how she needed to call on others for help and support. We always think we should shoulder it all .. but Sara realized she wasn’t able to do it all herself.
Listen to this podcast episode and see how you can use this story to help your family through your own story of hard times.
Message Sara!
- Instagram: @saraschultingkranz
- Facebook: Sara Schulting-Kranz
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