Thank you to all who chimed in and wanted to know more about Intuition from my episode last week with Dr. Sylvia. Next week’s episode has an element of Intuition in it, too (with Richard Laver).
This solo episode elaborates on Intuition – how do you amplify it and listen to it? Sometimes it screams at you to listen, but sometimes we silence it. It is such a useful tool.
Thank you to all who chimed in and wanted to know more about Intuition from last week’s episode with Dr. Sylvia. Next week’s episode has an element of Intuition in it, too (with Richard Laver).
This solo episode elaborates on Intuition – how do you amplify it and listen to it? Sometimes it screams at you to listen, but sometimes we silence it. It is such a useful tool.
Sara’s question for you all: if your young son or daughter came to you with an intuitive feeling or dream, would you listen to them and take it seriously? More on that in next week’s episode.
In this episode, Sara talks more about the gut, heart, and brain connection. And how connected Intuition and that “gut feeling” is. The heart, brain, and gut work in synchronicity. When all are aligned, you will get the “click-in” that makes you “know”.
Do you ever get mad at yourself for not listening? Sara talks about a dream she had that actually predicted the future–it included a move to the San Francisco area, and her marriage blowing up. Which all wound up true. She also recently listened to her gut/intuition while on the mountain and it told her to proceed and ultimately she avoided potential avalanches.
We need to listen to the messages and be in tune to get that messaging. It is so important to listen to the internal rather than the external. Listen to you – not others.
Sara reminds us that Complacency will kill. Do not be complacent with your Intuition. Allow yourself to be courageous (Live Boldly!) and allow your gut to speak to you.
Here are some ways to help listen and be in the quiet to allow messages to come in:
- Be still. Quiet your mind. This doesn’t mean you have to sit cross-legged on the floor. You can sit or you can move. You can be on the ocean, a nature walk, etc.
- Take a chance on following your gut instinct – take a risk. The more you do this, it will heighten.
- Do daily body scans. Sometimes fear and excitement live in the body and feel the same way. Your Intuition can say is it just my fear speaking? When it really feels like the messages are coming from within your body, then you know it’s intuition.
- Spend time outside. It helps quiet us and also makes us open to listening within.
- Do a “technology fast”. Again, the goal is to quiet the mind so you can listen. Take away the constant stimulation on your phone and other devices.
- Ask your Intuition a question. Don’t just ask the brain, because fear can come in.
- Journaling–writing or audio. You can talk into voice memos (such as Day One)
- The Arts–Art, music, dance, etc. Use your art as a means to foster the story you want to tell. Tap into Intuition and bring forth that story. The more we tap into our Intuition, the stronger it will become. So, tap into it and create the life you love.
Please share this with your friends and watch Sara on YouTube. You may want to look into last week’s episode with Dr. Sylvia and next week’s episode with Richard Laver.
Have a great week!
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