Are you In Limbo? Impatient and fighting it? Listen to Sara and Dr. Sylvia. | Episode 161

Are you In Limbo? Impatient and fighting it? Listen to Sara and Dr. Sylvia. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 161

Dr. Sylvia shared that she was in limbo between living in Miami, her home for years, and her new “home” of Geneva. She felt a consuming urge to get back to her “old” life and thus resisted her “new” life. Upon journaling, she received a message that said, “You are creating chaos in your head. (Truth!) Stay where you are, take advantage of your new circumstances, and much will come from it. This actually had her feeling an inner calm finally. No more fighting in her head. She finally felt an acceptance and resolve to see all the wonders of where she is, and allow the new and unexpected to come forward. 

Both Sara and Sylvia rely on intuition a lot. Hear what they have to say about that and about the brain, gut, and heart connection. 

Are you In Limbo? Impatient and fighting it? Listen to Sara and Dr. Sylvia.

Many of us are in Limbo. This can affect our peace as the monkey chatter in our brain goes on a loop of “Why can’t this happen faster, am I good enough? Why am I in this state?” Living in Limbo is so tough. We want to hold on to the past. We are unclear about the future. Ugh! 

Until we look at it differently–Maybe we need to let go of one thing (a job, a relationship, a move to a new location, an activity) and we are holding on so tight because it is a known entity. Sara and Dr. Sylvia show us that we can turn that thinking around and instead know that letting go and being in limbo is not failure. Letting go is actually growth and opens us up to our next chapter. This can ultimately be so exciting. 

Our human ego can mess with us. Our ego says this state of Limbo, before we settle into a new stage, is a failure. We tell ourselves something didn’t work out. Or maybe we made a change and we are stuck between the old and the new. 

Dr. Sylvia shares that in her uncomfortable Limbo state, she started to Journal. This helped her really explore her dilemma, and opened her up to getting messages from a higher power. Sara “journals” also, but instead of writing, she speaks into a recorder on her phone. It’s a great tool to get in touch with your inner wisdom and listen to your intuition which may help you find answers and some peace. 

Dr. Sylvia shared that she was in limbo between living in Miami, her home for years, and her new “home” of Geneva. She felt a consuming urge to get back to her “old” life and thus resisted her “new” life. Upon journaling, she received a message that said, “You are creating chaos in your head. (Truth!) Stay where you are, take advantage of your new circumstances, and much will come from it. This actually had her feeling an inner calm finally. No more fighting in her head. She finally felt an acceptance and resolve to see all the wonders of where she is, and allow the new and unexpected to come forward. 

Both Sara and Sylvia rely on intuition a lot. Hear what they have to say about that and about the brain, gut, and heart connection. 

Limbo isn’t bad. Limbo, sometimes, if we are patient and trust and stay open, can be the beginning of an exciting new chapter that is where we are supposed to be. Stay tuned to the podcast until the end, you will be gifted with a beautiful meditation with Dr. Sylvia. 

Don’t be afraid of being in Limbo. Congratulations on your new adventures in life. 





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