You may or may not remember .. but a few weeks ago, I shared a podcast episode about life being like a mountain climb. I want to check in and share a quick follow-up on the lessons learned during my Yosemite adventure from the episode.

In that episode, I opened up about the 20-mile snow-shoe trek that turned into a profound experience of facing exhaustion, shedding some tears in the snow, and discovering the upside of suffering. That’s actually the name of the episode: [The Upside of Suffering? with Sara]

The core lesson from my adventure was that even in the face of challenges, every step forward counts.

I shared a technique I use on my Grand Canyon retreats: “How many steps can you take?”Setting realistic goals, breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps, and pushing through, one step at a time.

In my case, I started with an ambitious 500 steps, but reality kicked in, and I adjusted to 20 steps at a time.

The result? I made it to the cabin, a bit later than planned, but the journey was filled with unexpected beauty, including a glorious mountain sunset.

So, here’s the reminder: progress is progress, no matter how small. 

Life’s journey may not always go as planned, but the detours can bring incredible gifts if we’re open to them.

The 3-P’s for Success: Passion, Purpose, and Play | Blog article written by Sara Schulting Kranz

If you missed the episode, now’s the perfect time to tune in and hear the full story, and let’s continue the conversation on embracing challenges, finding strength in adversity, and uncovering hidden gifts along the way.

If you feel comfortable, please reply to this Newsletter, and I would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences, too!

Looking for a motivating speaker to Make Bold Moves™ in your organization or business? Choose from one of these topics:

  • Make Bold Moves™: Rise above the fray and soar to where anything is possible
  • Building Belonging: Make Bold Moves™ Towards Success Through a Community of Belonging

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Have a beautiful day!




Are you looking for a KEYNOTE SPEAKER on making those BOLD MOVES? Message me. This is my jam space .. my passion and my purpose. 😉 I’d love to talk with you. 


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Spread the vibe, and as always, Live Boldly.