The Upside of Suffering? with Sara | Episode 153

The Upside of Suffering? with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 153

In this solo episode, Sara talks about her recent trip to Yosemite and her 10-mile snow-shoe trek up the mountain. As she lay down in the snow crying from sheer exhaustion along the trail, she took a long hard look at the upside of suffering.

The Upside of Suffering? with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 153

The Upside of Suffering? with Sara

In this solo episode, Sara talks about her recent trip to Yosemite and her 10-mile snow-shoe trek up the mountain. As she lay down in the snow crying from sheer exhaustion along the trail, she took a long hard look at the upside of suffering.

Suffering shows us what we are capable of and the strength we actually have.

Sara tried a technique on herself that she uses on her Grand Canyon retreats. “How many steps can you take? ”Say a number, then do just that. She wanted to start with 500 but realized it was impossible. Then she got realistic with how hard it was to climb up a side of the mountain with snowshoes and she reduced her number to 20. With each step, she counted out loud and ultimately made it to their cabin for the night (hours later than planned).

The big lesson, besides breaking through your suffering and making your goal, is that even the smallest steps are ok on the mountain and in life. You are still making your way to your goal. And even if suffering, you work through it and push forward.

And there are hidden gifts along the way: Though it was taking longer than planned to reach their destination, she witnessed the most glorious sunset. So the other lesson: Find the plusses, not the negatives. Yes, it took her longer, but she was “Gifted” a most exquisite mountain sunset that she may not have seen if she had been a faster trekker.

We all suffer. But you will find your strength, go through it, and try not to harp on the negatives, but rather any “gifts” that come during that time.




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