It’s Gift Giving Time. Sara shares some thoughts. | Episode 193

It's Gift Giving Time. Sara shares some thoughts. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 193 | Sara Schulting Kranz

So, it’s that time of year again- a time when we honor and show love and care through gift-giving. Sara talks about the points to think of when figuring out individual gifts. She definitely wants us to know that oftentimes, the best gifts are not bought at a store. There are gifts of “experiences” for … Read more

What Kind of Culture are You Creating? | Episode 192

What Kind of Culture are You Creating? | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 192 | Sara Schulting Kranz

Sara asks the question: What type of culture are you creating within your everyday existence: personal, day-to-day, business, or corporate culture? She cites that healthy corporate cultures perform exponentially better. In our everyday lives, it is essential to bring any underlying wrongs to the surface, which is the only way to get rid of them, … Read more

Making Changes: Intimidation to Motivation. | Episode 191

Making Changes: Intimidation to Motivation. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 191 | Sara Schulting Kranz

Sara shares with us in this episode the process of shifting, navigating differently in the act of up-leveling. When you know what’s right for you and it’s time to shift to that, it is hard work, but Sara stresses the point that you are NOT starting over which can sound drastic, you are rather Starting … Read more

Figuring out your Purpose/Business? Sara Shares Her Journey & Tips. | Episode 190

Figuring out your Purpose/Business? Sara Shares Her Journey & Tips. Sara reflects over the last 12 years, finding her purpose and what that looked like over time with many questions, a lot of research, and some self-doubt along the way. Now, her purpose and how that shows up is reflected in a new re-brand, which … Read more

Does Your Partner Make You Feel Like You’re Too Much? with Sara and Joe | Episode 189

Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 189 | Sara Schulting Kranz

Sara and Joe talk about how it’s not really ok for someone to not grant you space for all of your amazingness.  Does Your Partner Make You Feel Like You’re Too Much? with Sara and Joe  Do you sometimes feel like you may be“too much” for your partner? Do you sometimes feel like they want … Read more

Trusting the Process with Sara | Episode 187

Trusting the Process with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 187

  Trusting the Process with Sara We often wonder why something’s not happening fast enough- it can feel painstakingly slow if it’s something we desperately want to happen, or if we are stuck in a situation we don’t want to be in. Either way, we want something to happen so badly, that the waiting feels … Read more

Friendships: When do you know Enough is Enough? | Episode 186

Moving? Things to consider & get you sanely from point A to B. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 185

In this episode, Sara talks about our friendships-how they morph and change, how some friends are for a certain time frame, and how as you change (or they change) sometimes the friendship isn’t working. Sara asks, “Are you happy? Take a look at the people around you.”   Friendships: When do you know Enough is … Read more