You Are Limitless: Sara’s climb thru the Sierra High Route and Life. | Episode 129

You Are Limitless: Sara’s climb thru the Sierra High Route and Life. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast - Episode 129

Sara uses this solo episode to talk about her experiences on the trails and how they proved to be symbolic for life and reminders for us all to know we are Limitless.

You Are Limitless: Sara’s climb thru the Sierra High Route and Life. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast - Episode 129

You Are Limitless: Sara’s climb thru the Sierra High Route and Life.

Sara’s solo episode comes on her return from her climb on the Sierra High Route. A rugged 195-mile hike of which she did part last year and another part this year, with over 100 miles of off-trail travel, through both idyllic sub-alpine forest and tedious talus (rock) fields. It is a rugged alternative to the John Muir Trail (JMT) – it boasts about 100 miles of cross-country travel, numerous Class III scrambles, and endless miles of boulder hopping.

Sara uses this solo episode to talk about her experiences on the trails and how they proved to be symbolic of life and reminders for us all to know we are Limitless.

She talks of 3 specific times on her week-long trek that proved life’s lessons. When she was at the Frozen Lake Pass, the second most dangerous Pass and she realized she was feeling fear, not her normal excitement. She stated to her hiking partners, “I am afraid”. She relays how they supported her and reminded her she had done a scary Pass last year and got through it. She did.

She also talks about how she is usually the last in line of fellow hikers, and to remember it’s ok to be last. She was alone in a very snowy/icy part and no one was around. She froze up and had to really talk to herself to push through without her spikes on.

She made it.

And her takeaway for herself and all of you, listeners is we go to what could happen, but instead, we should pay attention to what goes right. When we proceed with Bravery, we are LIMITLESS.

Listen to this episode for a diary of her climb, and some reminders of how we’ve got this!!! Go Forward and grab your LIFE!




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