We Can Do the Difficult! with Sara Schulting Kranz | Episode 127

We Can Do the Difficult! with Sara Schulting Kranz | Live Boldly with Sara | Episode 127

In this solo episode, Sara talks about the start of her new campaign Live Boldly and “Do the Difficult” starting this week on Instagram. She talks about doing what is on top of your heart, and what’s on top of your mind.

We Can Do the Difficult! with Sara Schulting Kranz | Live Boldly with Sara | Episode 127

We Can Do the Difficult! with Sara Schulting Kranz

We all want to Live Boldly, we want to do the things we know we want to do, and we don’t want to be stopped by our own fears. Sometimes it’s something small, sometimes big, but we know we need to just push ourselves and once we do it, we set ourselves free to move forward in a much better way.

We open ourselves up for more amazing things and we feel good. Whether it’s having a difficult conversation, signing up for the gym, or that yoga class – maybe it’s finally taking the step to sign papers you’ve been avoiding – whatever it is, Sara is creating a support group where you can state what your week’s task to tackle is and you can also let us know how it went. Then all the other people will be motivated by reading your comments and be there with compassion, cheers, and support for you! Let’s create a ripple effect!!

Live Boldly! Live this incredible life! Live it on your own terms. Sara shares how she may be a little ahead of the learning curve of doing the hard things… and living life boldly. Yes, she climbs huge mountains, and yes, she paddles out 10 miles into the ocean… but she wasn’t always like that. She can be there to provide a forum and accountability.

We are made up of our past, our stories, and our patterns that may be holding us back. The most important is to believe in yourself. Put your challenge for the week on a post-it on your fridge, on your phone, and be clear on it. Set your goals and intentions. And start. That’s the hardest part.

In this solo episode, Sara talks about the start of her new campaign Live Boldly and “Do the Difficult” starting this week on Instagram. She talks about doing what is on top of your heart, and what’s on top of your mind. Hear her 7 steps on this podcast and sit with it each week.

Let’s do this!!




Sponsor: Go to www.saraschultingkranz.com and use the code Live Boldly at checkout to get the special price of $39 for programs offered.

Have another topic in mind you’d like to hear about? Message my team: team@saraschultingkranz.com