AJ’s Story: Supporting Gregg Through Covid | Episode 40

AJ's Story: Supporting Gregg Through Covid. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz and guest AJ Johnson.

How does your mindset change when life throws you a massive curveball? Two weeks ago, I introduced Gregg Garfield on this podcast. He is known as patient zero, the gentleman who almost passed away from COVID-19. It was an incredible story of just inspiration, believing, and truly understanding that we can survive anything in this … Read more

Gregg’s Story of Survival from Covid | Episode 39

Gregg's Story of Survival from Covid, patient zero. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz and guest Gregg Garfield.

Patient Zero: Gregg’s story of survival from Covid < 1% chance to live How are you staying humble + sincere during these challenging times? Today I chat with a total inspiration, Gregg Garfield. He is a testament to the power of positive thinking. Gregg is otherwise known as patient zero; his story will fascinate you. It’s … Read more

Understanding Relational and Betrayal Trauma | Episode 38

Understanding Relational + Betrayal Trauma with Dr. Barbara Steffens. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

Understanding Relational + Betrayal Trauma with Dr. Barbara Steffens Are you ready to finally find freedom in your choices after betrayal? Dr. Barbara Steffens has specialized in the area of sexual addiction and providing help for the partners of sexual addicts since 1999. Her book, Your Sexually Addicted Spouse: How Partners Can Cope and Heal (Steffens … Read more

Balancing Courage and Fear | Episode 37

Balancing Courage and Fear. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz and guest, Cara Yar Khan.

Balancing Courage and Fear with Humanitarian Cara Yar Khan Are you ready to explore the magic in finding your balance between courage and fear?  Cara Elizabeth Yar Khan is an entrepreneurial humanitarian and disability advocate who has had an invigorating career, spanning ten countries, so far. In 2001, Cara embarked on her international travels to work … Read more

Skating 800 Miles for Mental Health | Episode 36

Skating 800 Miles for Mental Health. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz and guest Molly-Anne.

Skating 800 Miles for Mental Health: Molly-Anne’s Story of Sobriety and Survival How do you stay centered on a challenging journey? This is Molly-Anne. In September, in the middle of the pandemic, she skated solo 800 miles on a longboard down the Eastern Seaboard from Maine to New Jersey in just 20 days. A graduate … Read more

Parenting Through Trauma with Sylvia Farbstein | Episode 35

Parenting Through Trauma with Sylvia Farbstein. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

How are you best supporting your children in this world? Have you or they experienced twists and turns that leave you searching and grasping on your journey parenting through trauma? Sylvia Farbstein has spent the last 2 decades learning how life presents us with unexpected twists and turns that can shake us to our core, … Read more

A Soul-Centered Conversation on Self-Worth in Life and Business with my Coach, Amber Lilyestrom | Episode 32

A Soul-Centered Conversation on Self-Worth in Life + Business with my Coach, Amber Lilyestrom. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

  A Soul-Centered Conversation on Self-Worth in Life and Business How can you elevate your capacity for attracting more abundance in your life and career? Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist and business coach, author and speaker. Her work has been featured by Forbes, Entrepreneur and Working Mother Magazine and appeared on countless top-rated … Read more

Finding Happiness from Within with Robert Mack | Episode 31

Finding Happiness from Within with Robert Mack. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

How are you embracing life to the fullest? Robert is one of the world’s leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success. He helps individuals and organizations achieve an energizing balance of authentic personal happiness and effortless professional success, based on time-tested, face-valid, empirical data and timeless, transcendental wisdom. Robert’s work has been endorsed by Oprah, … Read more

The Science Behind Nature Healing with Florence Williams | Episode 30

The Science Behind Nature Healing with Florence Williams. Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

The Science Behind Nature Healing with Florence Williams Did you know that our connection to nature is much more important to our cognition than we think? Dive into this interview with Florence Williams to discuss the science behind nature healing. Florence Williams is a journalist, author, and podcaster. She is a contributing editor at Outside … Read more