Spring Cleaning Your Life | Episode 166

Spring Cleaning Your Life | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 166

So, it started with clothes. Sara was feeling the things in her closet weren’t “her” and wanted to throw out what wasn’t working for her anymore. This inspired a “spring cleaning” state of mind. 

Spring Cleaning Your Life | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 166

Spring Cleaning Your Life

So, it started with clothes. Sara was feeling the things in her closet weren’t “her” and wanted to throw out what wasn’t working for her anymore. This inspired a “spring cleaning” state of mind. 

But as she thought about getting rid of the old clothes and making conscious decisions about what stays, goes, and how each thing is replaced- or not, it started a present-life review of more than just the clothes. 

This started a reflection and appraisal of business, friends, home, clothes, and whatever else is ready for assessment. 

Sara and her boys had moved from a large house after the divorce to a small bungalow by the beach. She asked them to really think about what they wanted to bring with them, what really made them feel good, and what was not needed. They did this (without complaints) and they have been in the bungalow for 7 years when it was going to be just 2. 

Sara believes in the 80/20 rule. Probably only 20% of what you have are things you really, truly need/want. So, this was one of those times that she did her “review” on all things, and she advocates doing this every so often. Look at the friends that you really feel good being with and those that you actually feel tired from. Look at your home and really look hard to see if you can declutter and feel more space and room for good things to come in. 

The process is an important exploration into yourself right now and evaluating what is really important for you. 

Oftentimes you will find you don’t even miss the things you leave behind. 

Happy Spring Cleaning! 





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