Self Love is like the Wind…..

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Self Love is like the wind. You cannot see it – you simply feel it. It’s a Vibe. An Energy.

Self love is created in many ways.

It’s how we speak to ourself, our internal thoughts and messages.

It’s how we hold our head high, laugh at our missteps, and find SECURITY despite our inSECURITIES.

The energy of self love is created by the gratefulness we show towards our Body, Mind, Spirit.

“Being in a loving relationship with yourself is the greatest relationship you will ever experience.” – Sara Schulting-Kranz

At times, self love may gust through us like a howling breathe of fresh air. Other times, it settles softly within like a cool breeze.

In those moments, listen to you and accept what is there. Be honest, authentic, and loyal with your thoughts.

Give yourself permission to accept every part of you, without judgment.

Love yourself first and everything else falls in line. This …  is Freedom!


heart shape rock

Upcoming Transformational Women’s / Men’s & Women’s Retreats in the Grand Canyon:

  • January 29th-February 2nd, 2019: I’m very excited to welcome Jenna Reiss, Breath-work Meditation Coach, Healer, and Writer, as a guest host for our January retreat!
  • February 24th-28th, 2019: I welcome Brittany Lynne, Yoga and Meditation Teacher specializing in Mindfulness, Meditation, Sound Healing & Breath-work, as our guest host in February!

Please contact me with questions – sign ups need to be complete by December 1st! 414-698-8899 or

>>Please enjoy my new PRESS RELEASE Page! Here you will find the latest news articles, videos, and podcasts that I have been on. Enjoy!

>>Let’s connect on Social Media!  Follow me on Instagram. Friend me on Facebook.

Spread the vibe, and as always, please reach out with comments and thoughts!


Upcoming Events


… check out our upcoming Transformational and Life Changing Grand Canyon Retreats below! January and February are already filling! Contact me for details. 414-698-8899

Live Boldly Grand Canyon Coaching January 2019

Click to to learn more and to register.