Resting with Intention | Episode 79

Resting with Intention - Live Boldly Podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz

Resting with Intention

Today’s episode is the first of a new series I’m bringing to you! I am kicking off this series with an episode all about Rest. Why we need it and how to fuel your body with it .. with intention!

Episode 79 - Resting with Intention - Sara Schulting Kranz

Resting with Intention with Sara Schulting Kranz

Today’s episode is the first of a new series I’m bringing to you!

In addition to my regular podcast schedule, every other week, I’ll be releasing a short 10-15 minute solo episode on a topic that has come up within myself or my audience.

I am kicking off this series with an episode all about rest.

Why we need it and how to fuel your body with it .. with intention!

Let’s go!

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Email my team and make a request:

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