Last month, I shared an episode about ‘Spring Cleaning Your Life’ on the Live Boldly with Sara Podcast that resonated with many of you. The response was incredible, and it seems the concept of reassessing and refreshing our lives struck a chord. I wanted to take a moment to delve deeper into this topic and invite those who may have missed it to listen and join the conversation.

Rediscover Your Best Self, Blog article written by Sara Schulting Kranz

The concept of spring cleaning often starts with our physical spaces, but its impact runs much deeper. For me, it started when I first decided to go through my closet. This turned into much more than just clearing out clothes that no longer suited me. It was the tipping point that led to a profound reassessment of my life. Each item I let go of made room for more clarity and intentionality in every aspect of my life.

Reflecting on what truly adds value to our lives—whether it’s the objects we own, the relationships we nurture, or the environments we create—is essential. After my divorce, moving to a smaller, simpler home by the beach with my boys was a transformative experience. We learned to cherish what genuinely matters and let go of the rest. This shift wasn’t just about physical belongings but about emotional and mental space as well.

Sara Schulting Kranz and family

The principle of evaluating what brings joy and what weighs us down extends far beyond our homes. It involves a thorough examination of our relationships, careers, and even our daily routines. I am an advocate for the 80/20 rule. Embracing this rule can be enlightening: focusing on the 20% of things that bring us the most fulfillment can lead to a more joyful, streamlined life. This periodic “life audit” is something I wholeheartedly believe in. It helps us clear out the clutter, both physically and mentally, and opens up space for new, positive experiences.

The process of life spring cleaning is not just about elimination but about transformation. It’s about recognizing what truly resonates with who we are today and letting go of what no longer serves us. This practice of intentional living helps us stay aligned with our true selves and embrace change with open arms.

For those who haven’t yet listened to the episode, now is the perfect time to tune in. It’s a personal story that encourages self-discovery and mindful living for all. I hope it inspires you to start your own spring cleaning process, whatever that may look like for you.

Rediscover your best self and embrace the art of life spring cleaning.

Looking for a motivating speaker to Make Bold Moves™ in your organization or business?

Choose from one of these topics:

  • Descend to Ascend: Navigating the Corporate Landscape with Resilience, Leadership, and Vision
  • Walk Through Leadership: Building High-Performing Teams That Make Bold Moves Together
  • Walk Through This* Unlocking Resilience and Growth in the Face of Change

*Based on Sara’s bestselling book, Walk Through This. 

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