PTED: Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder – The trauma of Injustice. | Episode 159

PTED: Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder - The trauma of Injustice. | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 159

In this episode, Sara is joined by her coach Dorit Reichental, who has a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is a Certified ICF Life Coach. Together, the two coaches invited Krista, whom Sara knew from her Grand Canyon excursions, for a coaching session.

PTED: Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder – The trauma of Injustice.

In this episode, Sara is joined by her coach Dorit Reichental, who has a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is a Certified ICF Life Coach. Together, the two coaches invited Krista, whom Sara knew from her Grand Canyon excursions, for a coaching session.

Follow the journey of Krista, from being the mother of an autistic child with seizures to raising her son who now lives independently. The journey has been a long one and created for Krista a world where most everything was about her son. Her energies, time, and commitment were focused on him. Now, as a grown adult, he is functioning enough on his own, that it no longer needs to be Krista’s full-time job.

Krista says it’s been a life where she’s been bound to her son with obligation and love. What comes out is her truth, vulnerability, and admitting to resentment, bitterness, and the poignant decree that she didn’t choose this. Dorit, Krista, and Sara share a common experience-all have been through traumas they didn’t choose. Dorit calls it PTED: Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder — the Trauma of Injustice.

PTED takes a lot of grieving, forgiving, and ultimately gaining one’s self-worth and getting in touch with who you really are. Sara has talked openly about her 10-year journey coming out of her trauma. The coaches help Krista discover where her place is now, the forgiveness of herself, the forgiveness of her son, Dane, and acknowledging the real strides she has accomplished. All three attest to the amazing results that come from going through the darkness.

Krista acknowledges Sara’s book as a major source of changing her thinking and attitudes. She also says Sara’s Grand Canyon excursion changed her life dramatically. (Please get in touch with Sara if you are interested. There are a few more spaces left for the June trip.)

Sara and Dorit will definitely do these coaching sessions for others in the future. If you are interested, please DM Sara on her Instagram account.





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