On Saturday, I gave a Ted Talk on Forgiving.

(Yes, I’ll share the link when it is released in a few months!)

This was my favorite paragraph:

“I work on Forgiving every day. It’s sort of like a 12-step program. I will be on this forgiveness journey for the rest of my life. And sometimes I fall off the wagon. I’m not perfect and when I get mad, I get mad. Toxic feelings can start to creep in. But I know how good it feels when I don’t have anger, resentment and betrayal in my heart. So, every day, I make a CHOICE to keep forgiving. It IS a lot of work, but the results are worth it. I feel more free than I have felt in my entire life.”

It’s funny how people look at me in wonder, curious how I could overcome so much trauma and change in my life.

I’ve had people living with sadness, pain, and/or anger say to me, “I want to have your recovery. To be where you are today. Just to be happy.”

I’ve been told, “I’m jealous of how you have gotten here so quickly.”

I’ve even heard, “I love following your path. And sometimes, I wonder why I can’t move so fast to get there.”

Let me start by saying this: NO TWO LIFE JOURNEYS ARE ALIKE!

I have not walked in your shoes, and you have not walked in mine.

Comparison and judgment of self or others is the death of all of us.

Instead, own your powerful steps and your journey along the way!

No, it’s not always easy. Yet it’s far better than the alternative.

You guys, I (too!) work on this every day! I work on ME every day! I feel, a lot! I cry, laugh, allow myself time to soak in my emotions, let go of the pain, and welcome the joy. And now you can better understand why I love the above paragraph from my Ted Talk so much.

Forgiving and processing life isn’t a “one and done” … it’s a daily practice.

I have found the more I do this work, the more it becomes who I am.

And the more I become who I am, the less resistance I feel and the more enjoyable life becomes!

As you know, I also spend A LOT of time away in NATURE! Mother Earth (both land and sea) supports me in a way I cannot find anywhere else in my life. She doesn’t judge or tell me what to do. Instead, she allows me to simply BE. BE ME. And within these fleeting moments of being me, clarity is found. And who doesn’t love more clarity in life – regardless of who you are? (Uh, I’ll always take more clarity!)

That’s also why I encourage my clients and others to get outdoors, and that’s why leading my Transformational Retreats in the Grand Canyon and nature WORKS. When you blend it all together, MAGIC happens!

We are currently accepting applications for our January 25-30th, 2020 Co-Ed Breakthrough Coaching Journey in the Grand Canyon with me + Travis Barton!

Come CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR + YOU through Hiking, Adventure, Coaching, Meditation + so much FUN! Click HERE to learn more about this 8-week Coaching Journey + 6-day Grand Canyon Retreat! Message me to schedule a call + apply! Don’t miss out – SPOTS ARE FILLING!

“When I took Sara’s program, I didn’t really think I needed life coaching. I just thought I’d enjoy a hike in the Grand Canyon. Little did I know that the life coaching combined with the hike would have such a profound effect on my life. I had an epiphany during the hike where I could see my whole life change in ways I never imagined. Fear, insecurity, self-doubt…gone. Replaced with love and gratitude. Sara is smart, dedicated, kind, and intuitive, and she is nothing less than a miracle worker. I would highly recommend her program, especially to people like me who think they don’t need it.”  –  Marci Klein, Producer | Director | Writer 

If you can’t make the GC (ie: Grand Canyon) but would love to learn from the comfort of your home, please check out my latest downloadable program now available for the cost of one coaching session: Unstuck + Free : How to Live Outside Your Comfort Zone.

FILMED ON MT. SAN ANTONIO – otherwise known as MT. BALDY – IN CALIFORNIA’S SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS, this is a powerful (+ fun!) program created for anyone looking to live with freedom, choice, peace … and those ready to let go of limiting beliefs! There are five recordings with worksheets that guide you through the process of self exploration + learning, each filmed at different locations on the mountain. You will view a waterfall (which we canyoneer during retreats!), amazing vistas, bugs flying in front of the camera, you will hear birds singing, a rock slide in module two + we end this program on the summit of the mountain! This program is great not only for adults, but TEENS, TOO!

“Personal development work not only transforms you – it changes patterns of behavior passed on through generations. In return, you create a healthier future for all of those special people in your life.”  –  Sara Schulting-Kranz

With that, I simply want to extend my deepest gratitude to each one of you for the support, love, encouragement + for sharing your thoughts with me. Please, if you feel called to do so, pass along my podcast link, website, social media links or posts with others you feel could benefit. And continue to follow along as we film the documentary Walk Through This in the Grand Canyon over Thanksgiving! I will be thinking about each one of you while in the GC … in GRATITUDE.

You are Worth(y of) It.

Love from me to you,



Let’s stay connected!  Follow me on Instagram.  Friend me on Facebook

Spread the vibe, and as always, please reach out with comments and thoughts!