With work, life, hustle, and calendars, I think it’s easy to forget to sit in the moments with our kids. Yet, our children are our greatest gift!

My middle son, Carson, graduated this weekend from USC and Price Business School with a major in Real Estate Development and a minor in Entrepreneurship. Not only did he excel academically, but he also served as captain of the USC water polo team, showcasing his leadership skills and dedication to his passions. I had the privilege of hosting Carson on my podcast, Live Boldly with Sara, a few months ago! Listen to that episode here.

Amidst the celebrations, this weekend was also Mother’s Day, a time for both celebration and reflection.

As I reflect on my journey in the classroom called ‘parenting,’ several lessons come to mind: 

  1. Soak in your babies. Love your children unconditionally and without judgment. Gaze at them in wonder and remember that with every passing moment, they are getting older.
  2. Hug your child. Kiss your child. Always find nights to wander into their room to watch them sleep.  Even when they are late teens and adults. There is nothing more beautiful.
  3. Let the dishes go. Don’t worry about the laundry. Those windows with fingerprints? It’s called child’s art.
  4. If the house doesn’t get clean or if those errands don’t get run, please don’t fret. Time with your child is far more important, and there’s always tomorrow for what didn’t get done today.
  5. Play big with your child! Jump in puddles beside them. Have a food fight at least once. Be a part of their Nerf gun fights. Dance and sing together to their music.
  6. Let them stand in line at midnight for a new release of a book, or take them to a midnight movie and skip the first hour the next day.
  7. Let them skin their knees, fail, and figure out their own mistakes. Don’t solve all of their problems for them.
  8. Those LEGOs you’re stepping on? Some day you will miss them. Trust me.
  9. Teach them how to do house chores early in life, and expect a few dishes to get broken, toilets to get clogged, clothes to get ruined, and to step in and help with a few messes as they’re learning.
  10. Support your child’s crazy and outlandish ideas, you never know where they may lead.
  11. Always be age-appropriate and honest with your child. Never lie.
  12. Be the role model they need and deserve. Don’t spread your problems to your children. Instead, admit your faults and handle them responsibly without broken promises.
  13. Have open conversations, and invite questions. Let them be who they are, not who you think they should be.
  14. By all means, when they call you out of the blue and ask, “Hey mom or dad, can you (…….)?” and you frustratingly roll your eyes, just stop and remember that someday, you’ll wish for that call again.

They grow up so fast. How does this happen, and where does the time go? 

As a single mom, I couldn’t be prouder of my three sons. Their achievements fill me with immense pride, and I eagerly await the next chapter of their journey, praying they continue where we leave off. There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for my sons – ever!

To my son, Carson, congratulations on your graduation! Your determination, resilience, and passion inspire me every day. I am excited to see where your journey takes you next.

To all the moms out there, I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with love and joy. I know I did watching one of my sons achieve such a huge accomplishment.

Happy Graduation, Carson! We love you and look forward to witnessing the incredible future that awaits you.

Looking for a motivating speaker to Make Bold Moves™ in your organization or business? Choose from one of these topics:

  • Make Bold Moves™: Rise above the fray and soar to where anything is possible
  • Building Belonging: Make Bold Moves™ Towards Success Through a Community of Belonging

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Have a beautiful day!




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Spread the vibe, and as always, Live Boldly.