In this episode, Sara talks about being in the Fog vs. Being Stuck. Being Stuck means you cannot even move (yet), but in the Fog means you are not stuck, you are moving, you just may not be sure which direction to go in. Here, she speaks of being in the Fog-finding your direction or your north star.
Sara also compares it to her experience, literally being lost in the fog out in the ocean on her paddleboard, and the metaphor of how she found her way back to shore. Many of us would lose it, not being able to see what’s in front of us, or know how to get back “home”. Sara kept her cool, and you will hear what tools (and dolphins) she called upon. Though afraid, she did not let fear immobilize her. She responded, but did not react. She also listened to her intuition. And she asked the universe for help.
This event imprinted exactly the tools for when you are feeling lost in the fog in life. Stay level, do not react, be confident, ask for help, listen to your intuition. You will find your way “home” to yourself and to the place you are supposed to be.
Here are Sara’s tips for navigating the fog:
- Pay attention to your surroundings. You are the captain of your own life. If this chapter is notworking, start a new one. Look at the people around you and do not hesitate to ask for help.
- Know your values. Don’t listen to outside noise, listen to yourself. Ask, “Who am I?” “How do I choose to live?”And these inner knowings will help guide you.
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