Judgement, Compassion & Forgiveness with Sara | Episode 175

Judgement, Compassion & Forgiveness with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 175

In this episode, Sara gives her tips about not being so quick to judge. She reminds us of the bigger wins of being compassionate and forgiving.

Judgement, Compassion & Forgiveness with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 175

Judgement, Compassion & Forgiveness with Sara

In this episode, Sara gives her tips about not being so quick to judge. She reminds us of the bigger wins of being compassionate and forgiving.

Judgment can have a negative effect on your children, relationships, and yourself. Sometimes you need to put yourself in the other person’s shoes or understand there may be circumstances you know nothing about that make the behavior you witness necessary.

Also, judging less can make you happier by spending time on more positive emotions.

The key is to have compassion and also forgiveness for yourself and others. Here are Sara’s 4 thoughts on judgment. Listen to the episode for more in-depth on each tip:

  1. Distinguish between an action vs. the whole person.
  2. Ask what I really know about this person and myself when I judge.
  3. Reflect on how it feels to be judged yourself.
  4. Notice the negative impact of your judgment of yourself and your relationships.

Remember compassion and forgiveness are the way to be more loving than judgmental—for yourself and others.





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