Hyper-Independence versus Hyper-Vigilance | Episode 111


I talk about my own experience with hyper-independence, where it can stem from, and how to differentiate it from hyper-vigilance.

Hyper-Independence versus Hyper-Vigilance

Being independent is great, but when it turns into hyper-independence, it can be a real struggle. 🤯

 As someone who has battled with it, I know how hard it can be hard to ask for help and to let others in. But trust me, it’s important to recognize the signs of hyper-independence so you have have awareness before it takes a toll on your mental health and relationships. 🙏🏼 

In this episode, I talk about my own experience with hyper-independence, where it can stem from, and how to differentiate it from hypervigilance.

Let’s go!

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Website:                      saraschultingkranz.com