Sara talks about her own personal journey of losing her mother, and a lull in her business, all leading to questioning on a deep level: Why am I doing what I am doing? What’s the point? Things aren’t happening, so maybe the universe is telling me there’s no point, and on and on.

How to Regain Belief in Your Purpose | Episode 117 | Live Boldly with Sara podcast

How to Regain Belief in Your Purpose with Sara Schulting Kranz

We have all been there.

We lose our way, lose our faith in ourselves, and we lose hope.

And wouldn’t you know: Just at the point of thinking of giving up, suddenly the clouds parted and Sara received amazing news and feedback and saw that others saw and believed…So even if those wonderful things didn’t happen right then, chances are Sara would have picked herself up and knew she believed and continued her “purpose”.

But here she talks about the process, shares with you, and encourages you… a miracle can be around the corner. Don’t ever give up!

Message Sara!
