How to Find Your Purpose | Episode 89

How to find your purpose - Live Boldly with Sara Schulting Kranz podcast

“But Sara, how do I find my purpose?” In this episode, I share my insight on one of the most frequently asked questions from my clients.

How to find your purpose - Live Boldly with Sara Schulting Kranz podcast

How How to Find Your Purpose

I never set out to run a business.

Starting again in my 40’s (now 49)? An entrepreneur? NO!

.. YET, here we are. 

Where I’m at in my life is a continual space of post-traumatic growth.

“But Sara, how do I find my purpose?” 

In this episode, I share my insight on one of the most frequently asked questions from my clients.

“If we don’t find our bravery and courage to actually then step into our purpose and our passion and create whatever it is that is igniting our heart and our soul, our dreams, our aspirations … if we don’t do it, somebody else is going to.” 

I challenge you to listen. Sit back and be.

Where you are you being personally guided through your purpose to find a deepened relationship with self? How can you use that discovery and awareness to impact the higher good?

Living a purpose-filled life has happened for me, PLEASE TRUST + HAVE FAITH. Your way is unfolding for you, too.

Let’s go!

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