Go forward but don’t forget the rearview mirror with Sara | Episode 155

Go forward but don’t forget the rearview mirror with Sara | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 155

In this episode, Sara reminds us to keep looking forward but don’t forget the rear view mirror. Moving forward is the main direction, and that’s why the windshield is larger than the rearview – but in life, looking back on how we got to this very moment is important and magical. We can learn so much from where we came from, and it starts to make sense how each thing brought us to who we are today when we look back and reflect.

Go forward but don’t forget the rearview mirror with Sara

In this episode, Sara reminds us to keep looking forward but don’t forget the rearview mirror. Moving forward is the main direction, and that’s why the windshield is larger than the rearview – but in life, looking back on how we got to this very moment is important and magical. We can learn so much from where we came from, and it starts to make sense how each thing brought us to who we are today when we look back and reflect.

The Golden Thread through all of our lives is important to embrace. It is all that led to the moment today.

We can have gratitude for even the rocky and hard places we have been because in reflecting, we realize we would never be where we are without what came before.

Sara appreciates her golden thread and also her constants of honesty and integrity. What are yours?




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