Frankie Russo and Love Your Weird | Episode 138

Frankie Russo and Love Your Weird | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 138

Frankie and Sara talk about the concept of Love Your Weird: the surprising unlock to continuous Innovation!

Frankie Russo and Love Your Weird | Live Boldly with Sara Podcast | Episode 138

Frankie Russo and Love Your Weird

As an expert in Innovation and change management, Frankie Russo has helped hundreds of people ignite innovation and transform into authentic leaders at the four organizations he has led, authored two bestselling books, and achieved 60X growth with his tech company in three years [Inc. 500].

The Art of WHY (2016), Russo’s first book, was on Amazon’s best-seller list in the self-help category and has been readapted and expanded into his second book: the rules-defying Breaking WHY (2022). He currently does talks around the country to help his audience Soar through seismic shifts and uncertainty.

Frankie and Sara talk about the concept of Love Your Weird: the surprising unlock to continuous Innovation!

They dive into “weird,” which symbolizes fate, destiny, and supernatural qualities. By loving our weird, we unlock boundless innovation. It’s more than cherishing peculiarities; it’s about honoring our supernatural essence intertwined with destiny. In a world preaching conformity, “love your weird” is a radical call to celebrate our mystical uniqueness, paving the way for groundbreaking ideas. Our offbeat thoughts are not mere whimsies, but seeds for unleashing innovation.

Frankie also explains why Honesty is his religion. His journey is shared, and Sara and Frankie also share about living your purpose in the most authentic way!!!




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