Finding Gratitude for the Moments | Episode 97

Finding Gratitude for the Moments | Episode 97 of the Live Boldly podcast with Sara Schulting Kranz.

I share the importance of finding gratitude for the small moments that create our life journey. Focusing only on the destination limits the appreciation we have for the magical moments that we can only live through once.

Finding Gratitude for the Moments

I have a challenge for you.

Stop what you are doing and recall three MOMENTS you are grateful for .. three snippets of your life that you are thankful to have experienced. 

These moments can be from this past week, month, year, decade .. whenever.

What are they? 



This is a simple practice but a powerful one that I have made a point of doing in the last several years as I journal. 

Sitting in gratitude helps us to recalibrate our emotions, our thoughts, our goals, and our values. 

In this week’s episode of the Live Boldly podcast, I’m skipping over all the goal-setting and destination talk we hear so much about in the New Year.

Of course, those things have their place and importance in the forward movement for us, but so often, we overlook the moments on our way to the final destination.

I encourage you today to sit in the moments, big and small, and find the gratitude within yourself for these small moments.

For in the small moments, our lives are created.

Let’s go!

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