Would you believe me if I told you that the key to a happier and more productive professional environment boils down to team members embracing their authenticity, unique skills, and attributes?

Well, it’s true! Research shows that workplaces that encourage authenticity see a 25% increase in overall productivity among team members.

Authenticity in the workplace is more than a buzzword; it represents a fundamental shift toward creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. When team members, including those working remotely, feel empowered to be themselves, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their roles.

Embracing authenticity, or better yet, Making Bold Moves™, in the workplace means stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging the status quo, and running head-on toward leadership and growth opportunities.

Embracing authenticity and boldness creates a huge impact within your organization. Bold individuals are often those who drive change within organizations. They are the innovators and disruptors who challenge conventional thinking and introduce new ideas. By embracing boldness, employees can make a significant impact on their teams and the organization as a whole.

Here’s why authenticity at work matters:

  1. Enhanced Well-Being: When individuals can express their true selves without fear of judgment, it reduces stress and boosts overall well-being. This contributes to fewer sick days and lower turnover rates.
  2. Increased Productivity: Authentic team members are more likely to feel passionate about their work, resulting in higher productivity levels. When individuals can align their personal values with their professional goals, they are naturally more driven and committed.
  3. Improved Team Dynamics: Authenticity fosters trust and open communication within teams, whether co-located or remote. When team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, it leads to better collaboration and more innovative solutions.
  4. Stronger Team Culture: A culture that promotes authenticity attracts top talent and retains team members who resonate with the company’s values. This creates a positive feedback loop where the team culture continually strengthens.

So, how do you foster authenticity in the workplace? 

It starts with leadership.

Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for authenticity. When leaders are open about their own experiences, values, and challenges, they encourage team members to do the same. Vulnerability from the top can break down barriers and create a more trusting environment. For organizations to fully reap the benefits of authenticity, they must cultivate a culture that supports and celebrates boldness.

Here are four ways for leaders to foster a culture of authenticity and boldness:

  1. Recognize and Reward Boldness: Celebrate employees who take bold actions and make significant contributions. Recognition can be a powerful motivator, reinforcing the value of living and acting boldly.
  2. Provide Opportunities for Growth: Create opportunities for employees to stretch their capabilities and explore new areas. This could involve offering training programs, mentorship, or challenging projects that push them out of their comfort zones.
  3. Support Work-Life Balance: Recognize that authenticity extends beyond the workplace. Support employees in balancing their professional and personal lives, allowing them to bring their best selves to work.
  4. Foster Inclusion and Diversity: An inclusive and diverse workplace naturally supports authenticity, as it values and leverages the unique perspectives and experiences of all employees.

Embracing authenticity in the workplace is a journey that requires commitment from everyone on the team, regardless of their position or location.

By fostering an environment where team members, whether in-office or remote, feel safe and valued for who they are, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce. The result is a happier, more productive, and more innovative workplace where everyone can thrive.

Sara Schulting Kranz keynote speaker

So, instead of shying away from that new leadership position or quieting yourself in the next team meeting, I challenge you to step into who you truly are and embrace your authenticity!

Looking for a motivating speaker to Make Bold Moves™ in your organization or business?

Choose from one of these topics:

  • Descend to Ascend: Navigating the Corporate Landscape with Resilience, Leadership, and Vision
  • Walk Through Leadership: Building High-Performing Teams That Make Bold Moves Together
  • Walk Through This* Unlocking Resilience and Growth in the Face of Change

*Based on Sara’s bestselling book, Walk Through This. 

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Have a beautiful day!




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Spread the vibe, and as always, Live Boldly.