Living your best, most authentic life is about more than just making bold moves. It’s about the foundation on which you build those moves. And that foundation? Rock-solid self-honesty.

We all know (or should, anyway) the importance of honesty in our relationships. But what about being honest with ourselves? That’s a different story. It takes a lot of courage to confront our blind spots, our limiting beliefs, and the whispers of self-doubt that hold us back.

Here’s the thing: true resilience comes from self-awareness. 

When you’re honest with yourself, you can uncover your passions, and relentlessly chase after them. You can truly live boldly because you know exactly who you are and what you stand for.

So, how do you cultivate self-honesty? Here are a few tips:

  • Practice self-reflection. Take time each day to journal, meditate, or simply sit in quiet contemplation. Ask yourself the tough questions: Am I happy? Am I living in alignment with my values? What fears are holding me back?
  • Embrace discomfort. Honesty can be uncomfortable. It might mean admitting you’re scared, that you made a mistake, or that you need to change course. Discomfort is often the catalyst for growth.
  • Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth, even when it’s hard to hear. This could be a trusted friend, a therapist, or even a mentor.
  • Challenge your inner critic. That voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough? Don’t listen to it. Recognize it for what it is – a self-protective mechanism – and challenge its negativity with truth and self-compassion.

Being honest with yourself isn’t always easy. But it’s the most rewarding journey you’ll ever take. It’s the path to living life boldly and authentically, the kind of life where you wake up every day excited to see what’s in store.

Are you ready to get real with yourself? 

Looking for a motivating speaker to Make Bold Moves™ in your organization or business?

Choose from one of these topics:

  • Descend to Ascend: Navigating the Corporate Landscape with Resilience, Leadership, and Vision
  • Walk Through Leadership: Building High-Performing Teams That Make Bold Moves Together
  • Walk Through This* Unlocking Resilience and Growth in the Face of Change

*Based on Sara’s bestselling book, Walk Through This.  

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Have a beautiful day!




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Spread the vibe, and as always, Live Boldly.