The New Year is approaching. We always hear about setting our goals for the New Year and 2025 is almost upon us. Sara talks about spinning “goals” on their head a bit, and she shares her new way of approaching what she wants to accomplish for 2025 in this episode. Goals are great. It’s important to write down what you want to accomplish, as it clarifies it and you can refer back to it periodically. Sara definitely says she’s all for goal setting if that’s what works for you.
Her new twist that’s working for her is flipping it to, “What is your intention?” She wants the best of herself, to be authentic, share her gifts, and be a better leader. And she loves to simplify it to this question: “Who do you want to be on the last day of 2025?” If you don’t know today, it will come and you can define it throughout the year. She also uses this: “I ask my 108-year-old self, ‘What would I say about my life?’” and it gets her to think seriously each year reflecting on who she is and who she wants to be every year.
By thinking this way, Sara says you sort of retrofit it. You work backward to work towards what you want to be on that last day of the New Year.
So remember to:
- Define where you want to be
- How you want to feel
- Who you want to be
- What does your business look like
…etc. on the last day of 2025.
You may want to try it this way and see if it works for you! Keep us posted on your journey!!
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