Along with Sara, this retreat will be co-lead with another guide.

Each of the co-leads is chosen with the group dynamic in mind and is a certified guide and Wilderness First Responder.

The co-leads that Sara brings into these retreats have their own journeys to draw experience from, and have attended Grand Canyon Healing Retreats before coming on as a leader. Each co-lead brings a specific type of expertise to the group and is selected based on that retreat’s specific group dynamic as well as their own availability. We will release information about the co-lead on the group coaching call.


Pre-retreat work begins May 27th, 2024 with 2-calls prior to our retreat

June 9th, 2024:

  • Check-in South Rim, 3:00 p.m.
  • Following check-in, we will spend the rest of the day connecting with your group and outlining the remainder of the trip.
  • Lodging/meals: Maswik Lodge.

June 10th, 2024:

  • Post breakfast, we will take a bus to the South Kaibab trailhead where we will begin our 8 mile descent into the Grand Canyon, arriving at Phantom Ranch approximately 2:00 p.m.
  • We will follow up with group coaching and meditation exercises.
  • Lodging in a beautiful cabin along a creek/meals: Phantom Ranch

June 11th, 2024:

  • Post breakfast, you will day hike the bottom of the Grand Canyon with Sara + Brittany.
  • Depending on the trails, we may venture up Phantom Creek, hike to Ribbon Falls or take a vista trail where you can view the south side of the Canyon.
  • Time will also be used for group coaching and meditating.
  • Lodging in a beautiful cabin along a creek/meals: Phantom Ranch

June 12th, 2024:

  • Post breakfast, we will hike 10 miles out of the canyon with an elevation change of 4,460 ft via the Bright Angel Trail.
  • An additional 2 mile side trip to Plateau Point will be added on half-way through the hike.
  • Evening celebration!
  • Lodging/Meals: Maswik Lodge.

June 13th, 2024:

  • Post breakfast, we will engage in retreat wrap-up exercises.
  • Return home.

We will establish at the beginning of our group coaching calls what your individual goals and intentions are for the trip, what bold moves you are ready for, discuss the trip as a metaphor for life and connect to each other for empowering support.

Post work continues at home through June 28th, 2024 with 2-calls post our retreat

SSK Group at bottom of grand canyon

“When I took Sara’s program, I didn’t really think I needed life coaching. I just thought I’d enjoy a kike in the Grand Canyon. Little did I know that the life coaching combined with the hike would have such a profound effect on my life. I had an epiphany during the hike where I could see my whole life change in ways I never imagined. Fear, insecurity, self-doubt…gone. Replaced with love and gratitude. Sara is smart, dedicated, kind, and intuitive, and she is nothing less than a miracle worker. I would highly recommend her program, especially to people like me who think they don’t need it.”

Marci Klein
Producer | Director |Writer | Business Owner




$2,625 $1,330.50




$9,997 $4,997.00