Speaker Sara Schulting Kranz


a keynote speaker, extreme adventurer, best-selling author, artist, sought-after retreat organizer, and single mom of three sons. I began my thought-leadership in making bold moves when I hit rock bottom, facing C-PTSD and trauma, in 2013. This was a pivotal time in my life. I quickly found that change is constant, but few really know how to bravely navigate and lean into the gifts that come with change.

With no one to turn to, I set out to navigate my change in the most unconventional way. I grabbed my paddle board and paddled the Pacific Ocean miles out to sea with whales and dolphins. I blazed trails through mountain peaks and canyons, climbing for multiple days.

What happened? I found the woman and leader who stands before you.

For 32-years, I’ve been diving into personal development, mental and emotional resilience, healing, and research. Through this work, I have distilled 5-key components to boldly making moves when faced with constant change. We use these key components when guiding clients on life-altering journeys of hiking, kayaking, and coaching through the Grand Canyon, Alaska, and Colorado. 

And now, I share them with organizations, businesses, and all of you.

What’s really cool? They work. 

To rise higher than we think we are capable of, we have to commit more deeply than we ever have before.

Joan McGrail

A charismatic storyteller, speaker, coach and wilderness guide, Sara Schulting Kranz dedicates her life to unlocking the highest potential of individuals on a journey of betterment.

Joan McGrail – Chief Human Resources Officer, New Balance

My Book: Walk Through This

Hit the trail with Sara Schulting Kranz, keynote speaker, adventurer, coach, and wilderness guide, as she shares her traumatic, bold, and unconventional story of turning her C-PTSD and setbacks into her greatest strengths.


I’m here to guide and walk beside you every step of the way! Through upcoming retreats in 2023, speaking events, or individual 1:1 coaching, please complete the form and let’s schedule a call to meet your needs. Let’s do this!

Sara provides skilled leadership and professionalism in her work. She is a testament to how the human mind and body can be empowered to overcome trauma, accomplish goals in life or work, and find what it is to reconnect with what’s truly important. Sara has mastered a formula that works. We are all living in precarious times, and it’s important to stay grounded while always being challenged to soar. This is what Sara Schulting Kranz is able to do… produce life changing experiences with enthusiastic ease.

Bonnie Solloway - writer and producer


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Sara Schulting Kranz




The only way forward was up a harrowing pitch that I wasn’t comfortable with. 

This was Day 6 of 13. 

There is no trail on the Sierra High Route. Instead, you are route-finding through 195-miles of the tallest peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Taking steps on talus rock, grabbing hand holds on slabs, and trail-blazing in a way that works for you. 

Your intuition is key for safety.

And then there are moments like these. 

When fear bubbles up, the same fear that you’ve carefully managed through so many other hard times. 

Your intuition is telling you, “Find another way.” But there isn’t another way.


So you lean on your team. You state, “Guys, I’m scared. I realize that I’ve done many other hard things, but at this moment, I’m afraid.”

Your team listens. 

They don’t shame your fear.

They acknowledge your fear.

And then, together, they step up to the challenge beside you. 

They both climb ahead and drop their packs. One comes down to meet you half-way. The other remains at the top for the last hand-grab.




They CALMLY and encouragingly talk you through it, as you stay focused on each step and small rock that you so carefully hold onto while pulling yourself up.

“Nerves of steel. Focused mindset,” you tell yourself. 

And then, not a few moments later, you’ve forged through the hard, standing beside your team.

Together, you did it!

You see, nothing in life—neither personal nor professional—is about the destination.

It’s not even about the journey.

EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAPPENS IN THE MOMENTS that create courage and confidence within you. Those moments will lead you on journeys and to destinations of your dreams.

Never stop climbing! And ALWAYS GO FORWARD. 

Who is on your team? Tag them in the comments.

"Do you know what it's like to regret your life?"

This was a question asked of me by a man in his 80s during a deep conversation about life and death. His words struck a chord with me, and I’ve reflected on them ever since.

How many of us are living below our potential, held back by fear or feelings of unworthiness? It’s easy to fall into patterns of self-sabotage—whether through procrastination, perfectionism, or even self-medication. But these habits only serve to push our dreams further away.

I was reminded of this recently when thinking about the late Matthew Perry.

Despite his fame and fortune, he often didn’t feel “enough.” It’s a reminder that no one can convince us of our worthiness—it’s something we must discover within ourselves.

Self-sabotage is often the easy way out. The real challenge lies in doing the inner work, confronting our fears, and making the choice to push through the hard times. We owe it to ourselves to live a life without regret.

Whenever you find yourself hesitating or doubting your worth, remember:

➡ Procrastination: Take one step forward, no matter how small.

➡ Perfectionism: Aim for excellence, not perfection. Growth happens in the space between.

➡ Seek help: Surround yourself with those who support your journey and seek out professional help if you need to.

You are worthy. You are enough. Don’t let self-sabotage steal your future!

Please, share this with your best friend!

Have a beautiful weekend!


#selfsabotage #sabotage #lifeadvice #future #planningforthefuture #liveboldly #makeboldmoves
Life is busy. I get it.

I also understand that it can be easy to forget to nurture what truly brings us joy when life gets busy.

Yet, understanding and embracing our passions is a powerful form of self-love that fuels both personal and professional success!

Whether it's a hobby, a cause, or a skill, indulging in what you love is transformative. It allows you to express your authentic self and fosters a sense of fulfillment.

Here are three actionable tips to help you embrace your passions ⬇

✔️ Step out of your comfort zone, attend new events, and explore new interests. The more you discover, the more likely you are to uncover passions that ignite your purpose.

✔️ Treat your passions with the same importance as work commitments. Setting aside dedicated time reinforces their value in your life.

✔️ Surround yourself with people who share your passions. Engaging with a supportive community amplifies the joy and fulfillment you derive from your pursuits.

Fueling your passions isn’t just for your free time—it's essential for living a truly fulfilling life!

How do you incorporate your passions into your life? Let’s connect in the comments or feel free to DM me!

Have a beautiful day!


#passion #purpose #play #passions #hobbies #selflove #liveboldly #makeboldmoves
How often do we find ourselves feeling guilty for wanting a little time just for us?

The thought of stepping away, even briefly, often comes with the fear that we’re neglecting our loved ones. But here’s the truth: taking time for ourselves isn’t just important—it’s necessary, and we shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

In this week’s episode of the Live Boldly with Sara Podcast, I dive into why it’s crucial to take that time for ourselves—without the guilt.

At the end of August, I decided to put this into practice by taking some time away from home on my own. This intentional break allowed me to recharge, returning home feeling invigorated, excited, and with a renewed sense of appreciation.

In this episode, I share three key reasons why it’s essential to prioritize self-care without guilt:

✅ Recharge: Our children and loved ones demand a lot of our energy, no matter how much we love them. Taking time for ourselves helps us to replenish that energy.

✅ Model Healthy Behavior: When we take time for self-care, we demonstrate to our kids the importance of setting healthy boundaries and doing what brings us joy and replenishment.

✅ Strengthen Relationships: Allowing others to step in while we take a break not only gives them the opportunity to build bonds with our children but also strengthens our relationships. We return with a renewed appreciation for our loved ones, and hopefully, they feel the same about us.

So, here’s my challenge to you: prioritize yourself without the guilt. Whether it’s a few hours, a day, or a week, take the time you need to do something that fills you up. When you return, you’ll not only feel rejuvenated, but you’ll also bring back more love, energy, and joy to share with those who matter most.
Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

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Listen to the full episode HERE >> Link in my profile. 

Please like, subscribe, rate, review, and share this episode with a friend!

Have a beautiful day! 


#parenting #selfcare #liveboldly #makeboldmoves